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Few things we want to cover


We've had some questions pop up so we're answering them below. In case we don't answer your questions, reach out to us.

Is the $3500 price point justified given my current revenue?

You're investing in 60+ pieces of high-quality, strategic content that saves you 40+ hours of work.

Our AI-powered system with human expertise provides enterprise-level insights at a fraction of the cost. This content is designed to generate leads and establish thought leadership, directly impacting your bottom line. It's not an expense—it's an investment in your business's growth.

Can AI really capture my unique voice and expertise?

Yes. Before any content is created, we (and our AIs) go above & beyond captures your unique style.

While AI generates initial content, expert human review ensures authenticity. Our system continuously learns, refining its understanding of your voice.

We don't just mimic—we enhance your ability to articulate complex ideas. Clients often report that our content expresses their thoughts more eloquently than they could themselves.

How much of my time will the onboarding process require?

Our efficient onboarding takes about 3 hours total:

• Up to 60 minutes for the initial questionnaire

• 30 minutes to review your audience profile and content topics

• 60 minutes to approve your 30-day content package

After onboarding, ongoing time investment drops significantly. It's a small price for the hours saved weekly and the growth in your online presence.

How can I be sure this will generate actual leads and growth?

The real power of content marketing comes from consistency over time—exactly what we provide.

While we can't guarantee specific results, our system is designed for this from the ground up:

• Data-driven, strategic content creation
• Clear focus on thought leadership and lead generation
• Your authentic voice throughout

Will outsourcing my content creation dilute my personal brand?

No—we enhance your brand:

• You have final approval on all content
• We amplify your expertise, not replace it
• AI and human review ensure brand consistency
• Many clients express their ideas more clearly through our service
• You focus on big ideas while we handle creation

We're an extension of you, allowing your online presence to be more authentically "you" than ever.

What if I'm not satisfied with the results? Am I locked in?

We've minimize your risk:

• No long-term contracts—start with 30 days
• Satisfaction guarantee with content revisions
• Transparent process with feedback opportunities
• Cancel anytime without penalty
• You own all created content

We're confident in our value, but want you to feel comfortable trying without fear of commitment.